Sunday 20 January 2019

You might need a water softener if…

hard water laundry

“Honey, where’s my white shirt? All these are gray.”

“Why do my dishes have grimy spots on them?”

“Ewwww! Are you sure these towels are clean?”

“Mom, why is my skin so itchy?”

“Wow! I just washed my hair and it looks so dull!”

If you’ve been experiencing any of these problems, there could be a connection. These could all be signs that you need a water softener system.

What is hard water and how does it affect me?

This is a common question. Most households in the USA run on hard water supplies, meaning their water has fairly concentrated amounts of magnesium and calcium. The excess amount of these minerals in your water can lead to pesky problems. What kind of problems? Glad you asked.

Hard water problems

hard water = more detergent neededProblems like spots on the dishes and faded color on laundry. Hard water also causes stiff, scratchy towels, itchy skin, and even dull hair. The excess minerals in the water even counteract the effectiveness of soaps. The result: more soap and detergent and shampoo required to clean. Unfortunately, more soap doesn’t effectively deal with the hard water problem which means you still end up with dirty, dingy-looking dishes, clothes, and people.


Plumbing damagecalcium deposits and scaling

They also cause scaling–residual deposits of calcium and magnesium on your sink, tub, and toilet. Even your dishes look dingy and spotted when rinsed with hard water.

Ugly as it is, the scaling deposits you see are the least of your problems. The more troublesome and potentially costly issue is the damage they cause to your home’s plumbing. Excess magnesium and calcium can build up deposits inside the plumbing of your house and cause major problems if left untreated. As every homeowner knows, plumbing repairs don’t come cheap.

So, what is a Water Softener and how can it help?

A water softener is a device or system that removes the excess minerals (mostly magnesium and calcium) and other impurities from hard water  Having a water softening system in your home not only leaves your dishes looking spotless, but also dramatically extends the life of your plumbing, your boiler, your water heater tank, your dishwasher, your washing machine, and any other water-using appliances.hard-water-solutions, water-softeners

There are several types of water softeners on the market. The trick is finding which one will best suit your specific household needs. Although a basic ion exchange system is most common, a salt-free water softener might work better for someone who needs to cut down on sodium.  Other types of systems available include:  a magnetic/ anti-scale system or a reverse osmosis system.

Each individual water softening system brings something different to the table.

Why Invest in a Water Softening System

Think about it. You really can’t go wrong investing in a water softening system.

  • No more dirty-looking, grimy-looking, splotchy dishes.
  • No more faded, rough, itchy clothes.
  • Certainly, no more irritated, dry skin or dull hair.
  • Last, but definitely not the least beneficial– remember soft water also increases the life expectancy of your plumbing and water-using appliances.

OK. I’m sold. Now what?

As mentioned above, each water softening system works differently. Be sure to do the research before purchasing. You want to make sure your investment is right for you and your family. Remember, the variety of systems available means that there is a water softener for everyone’s needs. All it takes is a little time and research to find the perfect one.


How We Can Help

Don’t get discouraged if the perfect one isn’t found immediately. The water softener professionals here at Knoxville Water Treatment know just how to help you narrow down the choices and get the type and model of system that will meet your family’s unique needs. Not only can we help you find the right system, we’ll even install it for you.

What are you waiting for? Contact us today!

The post You might need a water softener if… appeared first on KNOXVILLE WATER TREAMENT | Water filters & Softeners | Water Purification Systems.


Saturday 12 January 2019

Water Softeners: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Already have a water softener and love it, but wondering about how to care for it? Great!  Looking into investing in a water softening system for your home or office? Great! This article is just what you need! Read on to discover just a few pros and cons about water softeners.

The Good…

The biggest benefit of having a water softener is that it takes care of the pesky issues that hard water can bring into your life. When your house runs on hard water, it typically requires you to use more soap when doing laundry, washing dishes, and even washing yourself. It is also very taxing on your plumbing system as the excess minerals in the hard water will build up in the water tanks, the pipes, and even on your sinks, tub, and toilet bowl. Hard water also affects the way your dishes look and sometimes smell, due to the scale that builds up on your dishes. That’s why some of your dishes might have a foggy or cloudy look to them.

…but wait….there’s more….

A water softening system will also be able to fix the problem of having stinky, gross water. In addition to all these benefits, soft water will also help you take better care of your skin and hair. The harsh concentration of minerals in hard water, hard water depositscan drastically dry out your skin and hair, causing your hair to break off easier and your skin to be itchy. Water softeners often provide more cost efficiency, because less mineral buildup in the water tanks and pipes makes it easier for the water heater to properly meet your household‘s hot water needs.

Reading all the benefits of water softeners might make you think they’re the coolest thing since sliced bread. They are pretty amazing, but there are cons to water softeners as well.

The Bad…..

The two biggest cons of investing in a water softener are cost and maintenance. The initial cost for purchasing a water softener can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Most water softeners are salt based, so not only are you buying the unit, but you will also have to continually purchase salt for the water softener. The most popular types of systems also require regular maintenance.


…and…..the Ugly…

You must flush the brine tank regularly to make sure you don’t end up with a salt bridge, water softener salt bridgewhich prevents the system from working properly.

What’s even worse than a salt bridge? Salt mushing. No, that is not a made-up term. There is such a thing as salt mushing. That is what happens when the salt particles crystallize and make a salty sludge in the bottom of the brine tank. This sludge makes it impossible for the salt in the water to help regenerate the bottom of the brine tank and causes a blockage in your water system.


salt water softener systemAnother con to having a water softener is the sodium it can add to your diet. While it’s true that salt-based water, softeners are not the only kind available, they are by far the most commonly installed. If you or someone in your household has a sodium restrictive diet, this is not the water softener for you.

question mark


So, what’s next?

In our opinion, the pros far outweigh the cons. Water softeners are the best way to go, in spite of the potential drawbacks. But how do you find the best system for your home? Glad you asked!

Whether you need help choosing a system or figuring out how to best care for the system you have, Knoxville Plumbing can help. We have experts in water softening systems who can help you decide what your best options are or if you even need a system. We can also help you learn how to care properly for the system you already have. We’re the go-to guys when it comes to water softening systems. Give us a call, today.

The post Water Softeners: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly appeared first on KNOXVILLE WATER TREAMENT | Water filters & Softeners | Water Purification Systems.


Wednesday 9 January 2019

Water Softeners Part 4: Types of Water Softener Systems

Water softeners.

Salt-based. AMT. Ion-exchange. RO.

Choosing a new water softener can be confusing. Don’t let the process tie you in knots!

The bottom line:  consider what would benefit your household the most. To help you get a handle on finding your new water softener system, we’ve put together a list of the most common water softeners and a brief explanation of their pros and cons. Happy reading!

Salt-Free Water Softenerssalt free water softeners

While it is commonly thought that salt-free water softeners remove hard water chemicals, that is not the case. This type of water softener changes the chemical composition of the magnesium and calcium in the water so that they won’t stick to surfaces. All that means is that you won’t have a residue buildup in pipes and lines, the walls of your hot water heater, and no “scales” on your dishes. The “salt-free” water softener doesn’t “soften” one’s water, but rather “conditions” it. This option is more of a filtration system than a water-softening system.

Magnetic/Anti-Scale Magnetic Treatment (AMT)

The AMT is less expensive than some other water softener options, including salt-based. It has an incredibly long-life expectancy of up to forty years. This would also be a great option for the household that needs to limit their daily sodium intake. While this option is considerably cheaper than its counterparts, unfortunately, hard water scalingit comes with a catch. An AMT doesn’t remove hard water chemicals, it just alters their composition, so they won’t leave as much “scale” effects on dishes. This option does not prevent buildup in water-using appliances where water stays for up to forty-eight hours, such as a hot water heater. There is also less scientific evidence that this method works efficiently and effectively.

Salt-Based/ Ion Exchangesalt based water softener ion exchange

This water softener option uses the process of Ion Exchange, which removes the hard water chemicals magnesium and calcium from the water. During this process, the hard water chemicals are attracted to a negatively charged polymer resin bed, which is what removes them from the water supply. Those chemicals are replaced by positively charged sodium ions when salt is used to clean the water softener and regenerate the resin bed so that it can continue to do its job effectively. This option is the exact definition of what a water softener is.

Reverse Osmosis

As with the salt-free water softener system, Reverse Osmosis (RO) is more of a filtration system than a water softening system. This option uses hydrostatic pressure across the membrane, which acts as a type of water filter. This process physically removes contaminates and hard water chemicals from the water supply itself. Below is a list of benefits for installing a reverse osmosis system:

reverse osmosis system

Tasteless water– some water supplies have a foul taste to them and adding a RO system might help to alleviate this problem.

Tinted and/or Stinky Water– hard water minerals and even some impurities can cause a water supply to look murky and have an unpleasant smell. RO might help to fix this.

This option is also considered more environmentally friendly than others since it doesn’t use chemicals in its process. Some reports say that this process can remove up to ninety-eight percent of water imperfections. RO can be a tricky system to use. For example, some reports find that consumers only had five to fifteen percent of usable water returned. The rest just washed down the drain. You can read more about reverse osmosis water softeners here.

So, how do you decide?

Ultimately, it is up to you, but Knoxville Water Treatment is here to help. Our experts in water softening systems can meet with you and help you determine what is best for your household. We’ll help you assess past concerns and issues, identify your specific household needs and get the water softener system that’s just right for you and your family. Give us a call today!

The post Water Softeners Part 4: Types of Water Softener Systems appeared first on KNOXVILLE WATER TREAMENT | Water filters & Softeners | Water Purification Systems.
